
FF&E purchasing management

FF&E purchasing management

Why is FF&E purchasing management important in the hospitality sector?

When making purchases at any hotel establishment, many aspects must be taken into account. He furniture, accessories and equipment (FF&E, for Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment) is one of them, which is also joined by equipment and supplies. Nor should we leave aside the details, since it is essential to know what the useful life of each element will be and plan purchases in the best possible way. TO CHECK IF THE INVESTMENT ADJUSTS TO THE NEEDS AND SCOPE OF THE PROJECT.

How to carry out a proper FF&E purchasing management?

During the implementation of a hotel project, the purchase of furniture, equipment and accessories for the common areas and rooms has a direct influence; and sometimes significant, in the costs of the installation and in the execution schedule.

The team in charge of planning these purchases will determine what resources it needs and when it will need them. Having a purchasing plan that is aligned with the general strategy of the project is key to avoiding certain risks such as a mismatch in execution times and costs. And it is equally important so that the needs of said project are covered.

The procedures for correct management of FF&E purchases They depend on the culture of each organization and are included as one more element in the Project Management task.

Generally, the FF&E purchase item arrives when the project reaches a high spending volume. It usually falls on the purchasing department (if it exists) or on the team that coordinates all management areas. And they do not usually have time to dedicate exclusively to FF&E acquisition management, much less to apply an appropriate methodology for it, as could be the case with the standard PMBoK, ISO and Lean Management.

At EMEConcepts we offer FF&E purchasing management services, adapting to the needs presented by each phase of the project. If you have any questions about the best way to manage this aspect of planning, we will be happy to help you.

What it is about is having these at your disposal. professional procedures that contribute to improve hotel project management from all points of view. And the purchase of furniture and equipment is one that should never be lost sight of. 

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