
Hospitality Project Management

Our expertise in Project Management in the Hospitality sector guarantees efficient management of teams and work, ensuring quality results and met deadlines. We are specialists in Prescription and Management of FF&E purchases for hotel projects. We have collaborated in different project processes such as the Hotel Edition Barcelona, ​​Hotel Barceló Lanzarote, Hotel Moxy for Selenta or Hotel La Mola, in Terrassa. ​

Our ABC of management servicesón integrated are:

  • Flexibility to adapt to the client and their needs in each phase and life cycle of the project.
  • Good práethics in services. We are based on the doctrines and methodologyíace of PMI, ISO and Lean Management.
  • Our goal: satisfactionón customer and continuous improvement. 
  • Compliance with the objectives of cost, quality, deadlines and functionality are the measure of the ésuccess of the assignment.

The services What we offer to our clients are:

  • Project Management for the hotel sector, retail, contract and real estate projects.
  • Construction Management
  • Consultantíto contract projects
  • Project Monitoring
  • FF&E Procurement Management
  • Design Management + Gestióteam no.
  • Addressón Optional for the end client.
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