
Hospitality Project Management

Our expertise in project management guarantees efficient management of equipment and work, ensuring quality results and met deadlines. We are specialists in Prescription and Management of FF&E purchases for hotel projects. We have collaborated in different project processes such as the Hotel Edition Barcelona, ​​Hotel Barceló Lanzarote, Hotel Moxy for Selenta or Hotel La Mola, in Terrassa.

Our ABC of management servicesón integrated are:

  • Flexibility to adapt to the client and their needs in each phase and life cycle of the project.
  • Good práethics in services. We are based on the doctrines and methodologyíace of PMI, ISO and Lean Management.
  • Our goal: satisfactionón customer and continuous improvement. 
  • Compliance with the objectives of cost, quality, deadlines and functionality are the measure of the ésuccess of the assignment.


The services What we offer to our clients are:

  • Project Management for the hotel sector, retail, contract and real estate projects.
  • Construction Management
  • Consultantíto contract projects
  • Project Monitoring
  • FF&E Procurement Management
  • Design Management + Gestióteam no.
  • Addressón Optional for the end client.
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